Blanch in boiling salted water until just cooked, drain and put into iced water to cool.
Lay out the 6 slices of pancetta, cut in half across the slice.
Place 3 asparagus tips each ½ rasher at one end & roll up to form a tight roll, reserve.
Take 4 large stainless steel rings around 11 cm diameter and 6cm deep, place on a lightly oiled oven tray, brush the inside of the rings with a little oil.
Fill the bottom with 175 g of Macsween haggis, press down firmly.
Now pipe or spoon in 130gms of bashed neeps
Finish with 130gms of mashed potato piped onto the neeps to form a nice pattern, brush with egg yolk and reserve until required.
Heat the oven to 175c.
Place the haggis stacks in the oven for about 25/30 minutes or until piping hot.
Heat a little of the rapeseed oil in a non stick frying pan.
Add in the asparagus parcels and cook until golden brown, reserve hot.
Take 4 hot plates, remove the haggis towers from the oven and allow to rest for 2 minutes.
Place the haggis stacks in the middle of the plate, top with the asparagus parcel.