What's New

  • 13 Nov

    New Haggis Recipe Inspiration from Macsween HQ

    Posted by Team Macsween

    Winter Recipe Inspiration Colin Cooking

    At Macsween HQ we've been having a ball creating new recipes for the winter season. Using our haggis as a versatile ingredient to add a special twist to party pleasing canapés and warming winter dishes.

    0369 Macsween Of Edinburgh -Angus Bremner© 0441 Macsween Of Edinburgh -Angus Bremner©

    Over the next few months we will be sharing our new mouth-watering wonders with you, via this blog. They include dishes for celebrating Scotland (don't forget St Andrews Day - 30th Nov); super simple festive canapés and Burns Supper ideas (whether you are feeding the masses, having a simple family tea or partying the night away).

    And as there is nothing better to beat the winter blues than a big brilliant burger, let's start with the mighty Macsween Haggis Burger with all the trimmings. The full recipe can be found on our website. ENJOY!

    Haggis Burger With All The Trimmings

    Get in touch

    For Team Macsween our Haggis Burger is the perfect dish for cold and dark evenings, but we want to know what your winter comfort food is?  Share your inspiration with us on Facebook & Twitter


