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  • 29 Aug

    Cooking with kids

    Posted by Team Macsween

    The summer holidays are over, uniforms have been dug out of the ironing basket and (some) order returns to your life.

    But if you are stuck for family friendly recipe ideas that even the fussiest kids will enjoy, we've got some simple suggestions for you to try. They are quick and easy so even kids can get involved in the cooking, a great activity to keep them busy and away from the telly.

    Macaroni cheese with Macsween haggis
     4Y7Z1501-Macsween Of Edinburgh -Angus Bremner©
    Serves 4 as a main meal

    300g macaroni
    300g Macsween haggis
    50g grated cheddar
    50g grated parmesan

    Cheese sauce
    40g butter
    40g plain flour
    600ml full fat milk
    200g grated cheddar
    Salt & freshly milled black pepper

    (Family friendly tip: Before you start cooking weigh out all the ingredients into little bowls, so you already have everything you need to hand)

    1.    Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.

    2.    Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil, cook the macaroni for about 8-10 mins as per the instructions on the packet (Family friendly tip: put kids in charge of the kitchen timer which gives them a task to do whilst you get on with some of the trickier things)

    3.    For the cheese sauce, heat the milk gently in a small saucepan, then in another saucepan melt the butter, stir in the flour and mix well, cook out for 4-5 mins on a medium heat.

    4.    Add in the warm milk, continuously stirring until the sauce is smooth, season lightly with salt and pepper to taste. (Family friendly tip: if your sauce is a little lumpy simply pass it through a sieve)

    5.    Add the 200g grated cheddar cheese; keep stirring until all the cheese has melted.

    6.    Then mix the cooked macaroni into the sauce, add in the crumbled haggis and pour into an oven proof baking dish.

    7.    Top with 50g grated parmesan and 50g cheddar cheese, bake in the oven for 30-40 mins until golden brown. (Family friendly tip: teach kids good habits tidying up the kitchen whilst you are waiting for the dish to cook)

    Here are some other family friendly recipes to try:
    Haggis on toast with beans
    Haggis nachos
    Haggis pizza

    Here are some other great resources for cooking with kids:
    BBC Good Food
